Possible Photos for music magazine

I chose this as the cover photo for my magazine, as although the model does not use a direct mode of address, she is facing the camera and smiling, inviting the audience in as she seems like a good person to read about.


I chose this as a possible photo to be used in the double page spread. This was because the picture shows the model laughing and gives an insight into a personality.


I decided not to use the picture on the left for the front cover of my music magazine as the orange background does not sit well against the artist's bright hair. However, I did chose the left image to feature in my contents page as in the right photograph, the model does not look ready for the photo to be taken. I thought using one of the images with an orange background would catch the readers eye on the contents page, making them want to turn to the double page spread article.


I decided to discard these pictures as the artist is sitting akwardly and not holding the guitar in a natural way. In addition, the walls in the background cannot be seen clearly as the lighting is too dark and the banister of the stairs obstructs the image.


I decided to use these pictures in a photo strip form, to make it seem like they had been taken in a photo booth. I chose pictures with the same or similar framing to create this effect. I will then edit and place the pictures in a photo strip template for a scrapbook effect on my double page spread. I chose for the model to make silly, immature faces in the pictures as they can show different aspects of the artist's personality allowing her to develop her character.


I chose these three images as potential photographs to include in my double page spread. They show the musician smiling and posing for the photograph and in two of them holding a cup of tea. This made her seem more down to earth and therefore could be someone that the audience could relate to.


I decided this photograph could also be considered for use in my double page spread as the model's pose could be seen as comedic as it is almost childlike. This would fit with the light-hearted tone of the article and interview.


These four images are the photographs I chose to discard as in some the subject does not seem ready for the photograph to be taken and is sitting in an awkward position. Also, the images are not framed very well and in the two photographs to the right, she is too close to the bottom of the picture, leaving a lot of unnecessary empty space towards the top of the image. Moreover, some of the pictures show glare on the wall from the lighting which affect the aesthetics of the image.

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